Battle of the Songs: Quarter-Finals Champions League

heya dude, fine here, you? :grinning:

So far, so good.

What do you think about the results up to this point?

my heards bleeding :crying:


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so ooo many foreigners, hey dude @the_termin8r welcome to our forumā€¦
:slight_smile::grin::blush::yum::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy::innocent: and

Welcome @de_pretto to B.O.T.S finally hope you are enjoying my little game and hope to see more of you in the future

Thanks, dude!
Yeah, I really like the overall concept of your B.O.T.S. Keep it up! (I saw the last round of your game, but forgot to vote :/)
I havenā€™t been active ever since the platform/LPU community migration. But, hopefully, this will change in the coming days.

However, I donā€™t really know where (which thread) people are hanging out now. Is it at the new album ā€œmega-topicā€?

Itā€™s all over the place. The word association game, when and where, nifty topic threads are pretty active