Battle of the Songs: Minutes To Midnight League Fixture 1

I am almost a regular here. How drunk were you? :stuck_out_tongue:

ot Almost over top lol :sweat_smile: @amitrish


No “Muse” in LP voting! But quickly, try their album “The 2nd Law”. I listened to it in its entirety only after it was recommended here, and it’s good.

Time is running out

and we fly and we faile and we learn…last part of abandomness,

Yes, time flies. Just remembered this was over a year ago. (This topic is going in all directions.)

God bless the guys are all well right now even Mike has recovered from his cold, but after 40, ya know, it´s a mess [I know what I´m talking about] lol wattayathinkabthenewsongpostedforur @amitrish @samuel_the_leader @evooba @gatsie @tripleXero, @lp13413, @acemasters @coon @YoMarques @everybody??? sry you can only mention 10 users with a post…lol :joy::joy::joy::grin::grinning: [the early Walker slightly get back controll of her face muscels, cause they´re out of order, btw…lol :sunglasses:

What just happened?

No clue, there be more confusion afoot.

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Do you guys have the same thing that when you see the song names its starts playing in your head?


Yes. Because of that it´s sometimes a bit easier but not at all

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sometimes i hear things. sometimes.

Sometimes I don’t hear anything even when people talk. I am good at that. Hehehehe.


and sometimes I close up, and it doesn´t matter to me, even shouting I´m sealed out, btw where is @samuel_the_leader [never thought, but miss this Dude…two days missing…:sunglasses:.] :confounded: