Battle of the Songs: Meteora League Fixture 2

I actually said I won’t break tie breakers but didn’t say I won’t vote

But i want to keep all the votes as even as possible so in this case
Match 1 has 27 votes
Match 2-6 have 28 votes

I voted on each match
But becauae Match 1 has one less vote then the other matches my vote won’t count for Matches 2-6

If a vote is tied it is tied the songs will get 1pt each
I won’t break the tie

For me, I think it has sth clear for everybody, you vote, everytime or you vote no time, but these in case of bla, I think for the tie-breaks we got the points system??? @acemasters let it go on his natural flow, buddie, trust, it´ll be the best…lol :relaxed: