Battle of the Songs: Meteora League Fixture 10

Yup, voting is serious business.


I canā€™t chose between these songs! :scream:

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I urge you to please vote for ALL the matches in the fixture to make it more even and fair

Thank you :blush:

Of course! I always vote for all the matches)))))

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Good to hear :blush:
Thank you

Someone didnt vote for the last match :angry:

What is going on? Iā€™m so lost right now. Someone complained about something and/or threatened someone and they are a skunk?
And the poll needs a time limit? Where does Muse fit in all of this? :S

Its normally between 2-3 days depends on traffic

No threats
Just complained that someone didnā€™t vote for the last match so used my vote to make it even again


@The_early_walker are you sure youā€™re in the correct thread?

YES, cause it takes part here in this threat but post is deletedā€¦lol @the_termin8r1

(cough) Butt

ot doubble butt (smirked)

What does ot mean!?!?!?!?!

dunnoā€¦[laughing] :grin:mb off topic? lol

(eye twitches)

ot face twitches :persevere::scream::tired_face::laughing:

each time is vote more interesting hehehe

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Still canā€™t believe somewhere belong is getting beat by faint. I like faint a lot but sib, my second favorite. I can listen to that song a long time.

With the top 4 all winning their matches atm Figure.09 and FTI are out of the running for top 4

But our they out of the competition?!?
Watchout for my twist reveal during

B.O.T.S: ML Awards