Battle of the Songs Leagues

I think I’m the only person on the planet who hates that song. Lol

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Nooooooooooooooooooo!!! Hate is a strong word :rage:


Hate is exactly the word, I don’t like the song at all. Always skip it when it comes on, I don’t like the instrumental, don’t particularly care for the lyrics and hate the music video.

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I used to dislike it as well, but I’ve grown to like it. It has a unique drum 'n bass flavor that’s not really present in any other LP song.


The music video for the time it was made was actually very good. Of course, today the graphics don’t look as good. Darn young’uns :unamused:


It’s nothing to do with the age of the video or the graphics. I just have a personal disdain for anime or any similar art styles.

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You haven’t seen the right kinds of animé then. It is one of the best art forms - particularly for movies. Beats crap like Disney.

The animation style just boils my blood, especially the facial expressions. Friends have tried to turn me in the past with no luck, and they know what the good stuff is.

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Like what?

What they tried to get me to watch? No idea, I didn’t bother memorising the names.


The only thing I do remember was being promised some grotesque and hard to watch scene where some person has to get their arm cut off. I remember being thouroughly disappointed, one of the most mild things I’ve seen.

Everyone has their tastes

I love anime
Breaking The Habit was a decent video for me personally
The song is ok
But not listed as any of my favs


Fixture 7

  • Lying From You
  • From The Inside

0 voters

  • Nobody’s Listening
  • Numb

0 voters

  • Somewhere I Belong
  • Don’t Stay

0 voters

  • Faint
  • Breaking The Habit

0 voters

  • Easier To Run
  • Figure.09

0 voters

Tag List
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Fixture 6 Results
Screenshot_20200430-100645_Fixture Maker

Table so far
Screenshot_20200430-100651_Fixture Maker


From the inside :tada:

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Made a small mistake

So the mistake will be fixed in the next match

Fixture 8

Please note a match in fixture 8 featured in fixture 7 and a match from fixture 7 was missing
So that match will feature in this fixture

  • Lying From You
  • Hit The Floor

0 voters

  • Somewhere I Belong
  • Hit The Floor

0 voters

  • Faint
  • Numb

0 voters

  • Easier To Run
  • Don’t Stay

0 voters

  • Figure.09
  • Breaking The Habit

0 voters

Due to mess up fixture 7 results will not be posted

Table so far
Screenshot_20200501-221649_Fixture Maker
Tag List
If you want to be part of the tag list let me know


Faint vs. Numb :exploding_head: and so bad for Figure.09 but BTH = always :sweat_smile:


Since i made a mistake the results for round 8 will not be put up

  • From The Inside
  • Nobody’s Listening

0 voters

  • Somewhere I Belong
  • Lying From You

0 voters

  • Easier To Run
  • Hit The Floor

0 voters

  • Figure.09
  • Numb

0 voters

  • Breaking The Habit
  • Don’t Stay

0 voters

Tag List
If you want to be part of the tag list let me know

Table so far
Screenshot_20200503-131009_Fixture Maker


really sad for ‘Nobody’s listening’. It’s an underrated song and I also love this song (it was my song back in the days for my walk to the tram station) :sweat_smile:.