Battle of the Songs Leagues

Well I didn’t see that coming
TLTGYA getting wiped out by LOATR, yeah thought it would lose, but 12-0 damn

Heres the next round

  • In Between
  • Shadow of the Day

0 voters

  • Leave Out All The Rest
  • Valentine’s Day

0 voters

  • Hands Held High
  • In Pieces

0 voters

  • What I’ve Done
  • The Little Things Give You Away

0 voters

  • Bleed It Out
  • No More Sorrow

0 voters


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M2M next round is ready

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:flushed: :scream:


The Little Things is the one to beat

Right I am taking the day off today

Next round will be up tomorrow


Ready for more

  • Given Up
  • In Between

0 voters

  • Hands Held High
  • Shadow of the Day

0 voters

  • What I’ve Done
  • Valentine’s Day

0 voters

  • Bleed It Out
  • In Pieces

0 voters

  • No More Sorrow
  • The Little Things Give You Away

0 voters

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M2M next round is ready

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LOATR only needs to win its next two matches to be crowned champion

However, it may only need a win and a draw to also be crowned champion based on vote difference


I love LOATR but I’ts rreally hard to see that (my personal favorite) songs/all the songs are so chanceless against LOATR. :sweat_smile:


We are coming to final run down of M2M, before i get into the next match let me break it down

LOATR - if it wins against Given Up and draw against WID it will be crowned Champion
WID - Needs to beat LOATR if LOATR wins against Given Up to have any chance of being crowned Champ
BIO & GU - Mathmatically they can still be Crowned Champion if WID and LOATR loses their remaining matches

Well lets crack on

  • Given Up
  • Leave Out All The Rest

0 voters

  • Hands Held High
  • In Between

0 voters

  • Bleed It Out
  • Shadow of the Day

0 voters

  • No More Sorrow
  • Valentine’s Day

0 voters

  • The Little Things Give You Away
  • In Pieces

0 voters


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M2M next round is ready


LOATR :heart_eyes::heart: :tada::tada::champagne: :man_dancing:t2:


Well hello @theearlywalker :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

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Hi Ace :grin: @acemasters - thanx for greeting :stuck_out_tongue: how is it going over there? Hope you are back at work after the lockdown? Hugs to you my friend :hugs::hugs::sunny: And ofc… LOATR forever :heart::partying_face:

Hi @HakManLP seeing you typing :hugs::sunny:


Somehow it was relatively certain from the beginning that this song would win :sweat_smile:
I really love this song and also these lyrics. Damn, THESE LYRICS :pray:t2: :heart: :sob: After Chester passed away, these lyrics became even more, like they always did. Is that even possible? I think so.

But, yeah, you know me I’m really ‘sad’ (:crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) that my personal four hadn’t a little chance for more tension. What I’ve done did a great job and BIO also. I’m little ‘disappointed’ for Given Up (my personal #1 on MTM) and No More sorrow. You know already, I’ve got these 4 songs tattooed on my right arm for the Minutes to Midnight album.

Also, fun fact: The number 1 - 5 are the single released songs form MTM with a music video :smile: so maybe the other ones ‘hadn’t that chance’? :grinning:

but the ‘battle’ isn’t over yet @acemasters ? Maybe we get a GRAND final :sunglasses:


If WID can beat LOATR then it will come down to the final match

Here it is, the top 2, both unbeaten, head to head
If WID wins, it will come down to the final matches
If LOATR wins or draws, not only will it be crowned champion, but the race for 2nd place could bw blown wide open

  • Given Up
  • Hands Held High

0 voters

  • What I’ve Done
  • Leave Out All The Rest

0 voters

  • Bleed It Out
  • In Between

0 voters

  • The Little Things Give You Away
  • Shadow of the Day

0 voters

  • In Pieces
  • Valentine’s Day

0 voters

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M2M next round is ready


TY Ace :blush: @acemasters

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Well there you have

Leave Out All The Rest is Champion regardless to what happens here
BUT 2nd and 3rd are equal on points, and the fight for 4th is not over yet

Lets do this

  • Given Up
  • What I’ve Done

0 voters

  • Bleed It Out
  • Hands Held High

0 voters

  • No More Sorrow
  • Leave Out All The Rest

0 voters

  • Little Things Give You Away
  • In Between

0 voters

  • Valentine’s Day
  • Shadow of the Day

0 voters


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