Need at least 1 more from someone for an even amount… or I might do an elimination league
Already been used in another genre.
Gonna skip this one. Didn’t watch most of Disney’s stuff.
No, NO! Not here as well
I grew up on Disney, however it didn’t mean I liked it. There’s only about 4 films here (not including mine) that I actually enjoyed watching.
B…but…but…it’s a beautiful story that teaches people to not avoid/fear “differences”…it teaches a great thing… ( aside Gaston… )
Don’t speak that name for you shall bring about the apocalypse.
The terminator in action! No, I won’t talk about him…
No seriously, you know exactly what happened the last time he was mentioned.
I guess I won’t nominate any this time…
@jabinquaken @ironsoldier16 even though you didnt nominate or may not take part you will still be tagged as it will be easier then removing ya and re-add you
@LPUgrl2 are you nominating and would you like to be added to the list
Nominations are now closed
I’ve never played before so sure. I was going to nominate Frozen but I didn’t know if it had been mentioned in another set like Lion King. How can I tell?
YES! Especially because of GASTON!
@LPUgrl2 the polls are closed for the nominations but you can still vote on the matches and new nominations for the next genre will happen after that