Who is in charge of LPU?

For God´s sake, I saw it also, hope we´ll meet often in swirly discussions, laughy gags and all the other stuff, thanks for showing yourself and staying on an issue till it´s gone :balloon: , till it´s clear, I send you hugs!!!

@LPU_HQ Still had no response to emails sent message on twitter got one response this is very poor 0 out of 10 for replying to emails or to tweets LPUHQ is not as it once was this is very poor no help no replys to questions or to emails so sad how LPU is losing its sparkle

Sorry, my experience is totally diverse from yours, after the LP Shows (Tour in Europe ended) a week ago I got all answers or have seen, that the HQ had read the stuff I´m writing to them :+1:

@The_early_walker @LPU_HQ even have the twitter link but yet again no reply to anything not replied to emails tweets nothing this is why give @LPU_HQ and @lorenzoerr 0 0ut 0f ten because he has changed his twitter profile but dose not reply to my questions or @LPU_HQ do not reply and I know there other people having no reply to emails or questions

@Chris_Styles Lorenzo told some days ago, he´ll be out of net, don´t know if he´s still, but maybe the growth of the lpu overstrained teir ressorces, dunno, but I elieve, there sure is not ignorance the reason for not answering. Maybe you give a lil patience, and thing go on on their own?! Did you join the dj-thing from @TripleXero? foun https://plug.dj/lpunderground lots of fun… enjoy!

@The_early_walker sorry but he has been on twitter so that’s incorrect and no more froum post from me

I have responded to your questions here, on twitter, and e-mail. Thanks for your patience.


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t@LPU_HQ thank you Lorenzo I know been a pain in the backside the last couple of weeks but thank you thank you thank you for replying to my question via LPUHQ

@LPU_HQ, With all due respect, every camera have manual settings and different lighting it’s not a problem to professional photographer. You take photos with a long exposure time, so they have blurred.

I can be your photographer, if you want! :wink:


@lostek815 so this and other photos is due to venue or bad lighting ? I think not I think this is due to the person taking the photos not having any idea how to set up to take photos and this is only one of may that are bad

The team is working really hard . I think the permanently “hate” is pretty ungratefuls .
Yes , the images are not always super professional, but we should be glad that at all which are made.
Please stop “attacing” the team.

(Sorry my english is bad. Working on it!) ​​

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@MissBambi we are not attacking the team but they cant blame venues or the area they where taken for these photos these are observations that many people have made but you cant tell people that its due to the venue or area they where taken for being out of focus or blured so please don’t say I am attacking them because I am not but excuses like this are not what should be made for really bad photos and if these where your photos of a meet & greet would you not feel gutted and really sad if this was only chance of a meet & greet ?

Of course , those pictures not beautiful . But professtionelle photographers want to be paid and I do not think anyone wants to pay that price .
Not all photos are bad . Maybe not perfectly lit and possibly blurred , but something happened .
You still have the memory of the Meet and Greet , what others would like to have . I understand that it’s not nice , but we should be thankful that the pictures are taken .
What we are show negative examples , but where you must not forget that there are others .
We now all know that you’re disappointed and that you can be, but the team does his best . It can no longer be undone.
Other bands haven´t something like a Meet & Greed .

@MissBambi slipknot have meet & greets but I am just say cant blame the area for blured out of focus photos and I think there is enough money to hire someone to take professional photographs

@Chris_Styles, we have addressed this topic with you several times on this message board. If you have any further questions please e-mail me at LPUHQ@LPUnderground.com


-Lorenzo / LPU HQ

@LPUHQ the post dose not explaine about blured photos I have read it but cant say its the venue or the area that is the person taking the photos are they blured yes or no ? @LPU_HQ

@Chris_Styles If you have any further questions please e-mail me at LPUHQ@LPUnderground.com


-Lorenzo / LPU HQ

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@LPU_HQ I have sent you an email on the link you sent me look forward to hearing from you thanks for your replys

This topic is now closed. Please feel free to contact LPU HQ at LPUHQ@LPUnderground.com

-Lorenzo / LPU HQ